3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Runners

You do not need to run every day of the week to benefit your health. Running just a few minutes each day may be good for you. Research shows it may even extend your life. No matter where you run, putting your safety first is vital. Below, our team of experts is sharing Dos and Don’ts for runners and outdoor athletes.
Do: Whether you’re an experienced runner or just getting started, begin the season by visiting your foot doctor.
With years of experience, including a hospital residency, your podiatrist is a medical expert and the best-qualified doctor to examine your feet, diagnose any existing or potential issues, and offer expert care.
Do: Build your endurance slowly.
Start with moderate length and low-speed runs, and work your way up to long runs at faster paces. Keep a journal to help you record your progress. It will help protect you from shin splints and other foot and ankle injuries. It will also give you something to work toward.
Do: Check out your route in advance and run on smooth, well-paved roads.
If you take a spill and can’t resolve the discomfort with over-the-counter medication and at-home RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment, see your podiatrist as soon as possible.
Don’t: Don’t run in sneakers that have logged over 50 miles or are over a year old.
Be sure your footwear offers excellent cushioning and support. Remember that your foot size changes over the years.
Don’t: Don’t run with traffic if you are running in your neighborhood.
One of the most basic road rules is to drive/bike with traffic and run against it. You can only go so fast and be aware on two feet; increase your safety by seeing danger as it’s coming.
Don’t: Don’t overdo it.
Running is great, but don’t run yourself into the ground. Listen to your body; if you’ve pulled something, have shin splints, or have any other significant pain, it won’t help to pop a painkiller and run through it. Stop for a break when you need to, and get back up again eventually.
Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman at our Montgomery office. Please call our office at 301-330-5666 to schedule your appointment.
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