5 Common Foot and Ankle Injury Myths in Sports
From little league to professional sports, foot and ankle injuries are some of the most common among athletes. And unfortunately, many misconceptions and myths surround these issues, which can hinder recovery.
In this post, we will debunk these myths to help athletes better address their foot and ankle troubles.
Myth 1: All Ankle Sprains Are the Same.
Fact: Ankle sprains vary in severity, ranging from mild to severe. While most ankle sprains involve the ligaments on the outside of the ankle, some can also affect the ligaments on the inside. That’s why you should seek a medical evaluation to determine the extent of the injury.
Myth 2: You’re Right, Coach. I’ll Rub Some Dirt on It.
Fact: Continuing to play with pain can worsen an injury and delay recovery. If you experience pain in your foot or ankle, it’s important to rest and seek medical attention. Overuse injuries and stress fractures are common for athletes who are too stubborn to stop.
Myth 3: Rest Or Surgery. There’s No In Between.
Fact: While rest is often recommended for minor injuries and surgery is sometimes required for season-ending injuries, there lies a full spectrum of intervention between these two extremes:
- Physical therapy: Exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles and improve stability.
- Corticosteroid injections: These injections can help reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joint.
- Anti-inflammatory medications: Over-the-counter or prescription medications can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.
- Orthotics: Custom orthotics may be necessary to address underlying foot mechanics.
Myth 4: All Foot Pain is Caused by Plantar Fasciitis.
Fact: While plantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot pain in athletes, it’s not the only possibility. Other conditions, such as Achilles tendonitis, turf toe, neuromas, and others listed above, can cause pain and limit performance.
Myth 5: Once an Injury Heals, You’re Good to Go.
Fact: Even after an injury heals, it’s important to continue rehabilitation exercises to prevent re-injury. Strengthening the surrounding muscles and improving flexibility can help enhance stability and reduce the risk of recurrence.
Want to start taking your foot and ankle health seriously? We’re happy to help! Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman. To book your appointment, please call our office at 301-825-9697.
Don’t Lose Your Mojo: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments for Broken Toe
If you’ve ever dropped something on your foot or jammed it on something hard, you might have been close to breaking your toe. Broken toes are one of the most common breaks in the human body, and they can be seriously painful injuries that require prompt and careful rehabilitation.
That’s why at Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center, we are here to un-stub the toe fracture confusion, providing expert insight and advice along your path to better foot health.
Signs and Symptoms of a Broken Toe
Because a broken toe often causes immediate and severe pain, it’s helpful to distinguish it from other potential foot injuries like turf toe and toe sprains:
- Intense pain: Sharp and localized pain at the point of impact.
- Swelling: Rapid onset of swelling around the injured toe.
- Bruising: Discoloration may appear within a few hours.
- Deformity: The toe may appear visibly crooked or misshapen.
- Difficulty walking: Putting weight on the injured foot may be painful.
Prognosis for a Broken Toe
Most toe fractures typically heal within 4-6 weeks. However, the specific recovery time can vary depending on the severity of the fracture and the person’s overall foot health.
While most broken toes heal without complications, there is a small risk of developing arthritis in the affected toe in the future. Additionally, if the fracture is not properly aligned, it may result in long-term pain or deformity.
Treatment and Recovery
Most minor toe fractures can be treated at home with the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and over-the-counter pain relievers prescribed by your podiatrist. In some cases, your podiatrist may recommend taping or splinting the toe to immobilize it and promote healing.
Crutches or boots are typically not necessary for a broken toe unless there are multiple fractures or associated injuries. However, it’s essential during recovery to avoid putting excessive weight on the injured foot. Physical therapy may also be recommended to gently regain strength and flexibility after the bone has healed.
Want to stay on top of your foot and ankle health this summer? We’re happy to help! Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman. To schedule your appointment, please call our office at 301-825-9697.
Protect Your Feet from the Summer Sun
Just like the rest of your body, your feet are susceptible to sun damage. UV rays penetrate the layers of your skin, causing sunburn, premature aging, and increasing the risk of cancer. While the soles of your feet have thicker skin, the tops and ankles are vulnerable, especially for people who wear sandals or flip-flops regularly.
If we diligently protect our faces and arms with sunscreen, why should we neglect our feet? Here’s why you shouldn’t forget about protecting them from the sun’s harmful UV rays, according to our expert team at Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center.
The Risks of Sun-Exposed Feet
- Actinic Keratosis: These precancerous lesions appear as rough, scaly patches on skin exposed to the sun, especially during summer. While not cancerous themselves, they can develop into skin cancer if left untreated.
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma: This is a type of skin cancer that can develop on the sensitive areas of the feet. Early detection can decrease the risk of complications, so be aware of any changes in the appearance of your skin, such as new moles, persistent scaling, or bleeding.
- Age spots: These are flat, brown spots that commonly appear on sun-exposed areas, including the tops of the feet. While benign, they can be a cosmetic concern for some.
- Pre-existing skin conditions: Sun exposure can worsen existing skin conditions on the feet, such as eczema or psoriasis, leading to increased itching, inflammation, and discomfort.
Protecting Your Feet This Summer
- Sunscreen: Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to the tops of your feet and ankles 15 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
- Sun-Protective Footwear: Wear closed-toe shoes or sandals with straps that cover the tops of your feet. Look for materials like canvas or mesh that allow for ventilation while providing some sun protection.
- Examine Your Feet Regularly: Pay attention to any changes in the appearance of your skin, such as new moles, discolored spots, or changes in texture. If you notice anything concerning, consult a podiatrist.
Want to keep your feet happy and healthy this summer? We’re eager to help! Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman. To schedule your appointment, please contact our office at 301-825-9697.
Running Shoes: Start Off on The Right Foot!
If you run, you need the right footwear. Fortunately, Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center is well-prepared to support your footwear needs. Before you decide which shoe is right for you, let’s break down some common tips that can improve performance and ensure sustainability.
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts to follow before purchasing new running shoes
DON’T run in old, beat-up shoes. Runners need to be prepared, and footwear is no exception. To keep shoes fresh, try to have two pairs on hand and alternate them. The wear and tear from repeated motions erodes the support of a running shoe, which might increase your risk of injury.
DO invest in a pair of good socks and laces. The right pair of socks will provide valuable cushioning and even help with sweating. Laces with ‘bumps’ along them might cost a little more, but they don’t slide around in your shoes.
DON’T ignore the unique traits of your feet. Do you have high, flat, or neutral arches? Do your ankles roll when you run? These are the kinds of details our experts can help you with, and knowing about them beforehand will help you choose the right shoes for you.
DO consider custom orthotics. These can enhance your running game by helping to prevent injuries before they occur. And we can help you find the perfect fit! At Kentlands, there are no more clunky plaster casts or lengthy waiting times. Instead, we employ our new 3D laser scanner to perform a clinical examination of your feet. In just 10 seconds, this technology takes thousands of measurements and provides the perfect custom fit.
We’re big fans of running, and we know just how much it can benefit your life. Still, putting safety first is important. Dr. Jon Sherman is an acknowledged expert in treating sports injuries, and he has served as a consultant for the Marine Corps Marathon. He’s well-equipped to help improve your athletic performance and keep your feet healthy as you chase your goals. To schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Dr. Sherman at our Gaithersburg office, please call 301-330-8971 or contact us online today.
Benefits of Custom Orthotics
We have all heard the saying “one size fits all.” Unfortunately, when it comes to footwear, this does not apply. Sometimes you might notice that one foot feels slightly different from the other. It is due to each person having their own unique feet! At Kentland’s Foot and Ankle Center, patients are examined and treated based on their own unique feet. Our podiatry team recommends using foot orthotics if foot muscles, ligaments, bones, or tendons are not aligned well or the patient is experiencing discomfort. Orthotics are known to redistribute the pressure that your feet endure each day.
Custom Orthotics VS Over-the-counter Orthotics
Over-the-counter foot orthotics are usually found at drugstores. The use of orthotics, in general, can be very helpful in eliminating foot discomfort quickly. For chronic foot pain, we always advise our patients to get fitted for custom foot orthotics. Precise measurements of your foot are documented and sent to a lab where they will make your orthotics. It ensures that you receive all the support your feet need.
Benefits of Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotics are known to:
- Provide superior comfort allowing you to stand, walk and run comfortably
- Fight off pain in the lower extremities
- Improve balance by allowing your feet the support to maintain a functional position
- Enhance athletic performance
- Lower the risk of injury
Custom orthotics help your feet feel better, but did you know they also help your overall body? Custom orthotics are also known to:
- Reduce ankle and leg pain
- Maintain balance
- Stand or walk for extended periods of pain-free
- Reduce lower back pain
- Lower the risk of calluses, corns, and bunions
- Improve posture
Final Thoughts
If you are experiencing chronic foot pain or discomfort in your lower extremities, call our Montgomery office at 301-330-5666 and schedule an appointment with our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman or visit our website for more information.
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