Our office hours are currently Monday, 10am-5:30pm, and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-5pm.

If you would like to come in for care, please call the office at (301) 330-5666 and leave a voicemail with our answering service.

  • Spring Forward with KeryFlex Nail Restoration!

    Hiding your toes due to damaged, discolored, or unsightly fungal nails? Don’t let that keep you from enjoying everything that spring has to offer! At Kentlands Foot & Ankle Center, we’re offering a powerful treatment that’s gaining traction with patients in your shoes: KeryFlex Nail Restoration.

    What is KeryFlex?

    KeryFlex isn’t an artificial nail, nor is it a simple cosmetic cover-up. It’s a specially formulated, flexible, non-porous resin that bonds to the existing nail (or what’s left of it), creating a realistic, natural-looking nail plate.

    Importantly, KeryFlex doesn’t bond to the skin or irritate it. It adheres to the callous cells of the nail or the papillary roots, making it safe and comfortable.

    More Than Just a Quick Fix

    “Dystrophic” is a medical term for nails that are damaged or abnormal in appearance. KeryFlex is an excellent option for patients with a variety of nail disorders, including:

    • Onychomycosis (Fungal Nail Infections): Thickened, discolored, crumbly nails.
    • Nail Trauma: Nails damaged by injury.
    • Psoriasis: Nail changes associated with psoriasis (pitting, discoloration, thickening).
    • Ingrown Toenails: While KeryFlex doesn’t treat ingrown toenails, it can improve the nail’s appearance after the ingrown portion is addressed by a podiatrist.
    • Onychogryphosis (“Ram’s Horn Nails”): Severely thickened, curved nails.
    • Beau’s Lines: Horizontal ridges or grooves in the nail.
    • Koilonychia (“Spoon Nails”): Abnormally thin, concave nails.

    Why Choose KeryFlex?

    Results are often rapid, and you’ll likely walk out of our office with a natural-looking nail – no waiting for months for the damaged nail to grow out!

    The application is painless, so it requires no anesthesia. Additionally:

    • KeryFlex moves with your foot and toes, providing a comfortable, natural feel. It’s flexible yet durable enough to withstand everyday activities.
    • Unlike acrylic nails, KeryFlex doesn’t trap moisture, making it a suitable option even if you’re undergoing treatment for a fungal infection.
    • In fact, it can be used concurrently with topical antifungals or in conjunction with PinPointe Laser Therapy.

    The KeryFlex Application Process: Quick and Easy

    KeryFlex is applied by trained and certified providers in our office, and you can resume normal activities immediately. The process is simple: we prepare your nail, apply the KeryFlex resin, sculpt it to a natural shape, and cure it with a UV light!

    Ready to help you step out in style in your open-toed shoes of choice? Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman. To make your appointment, please call our office at 301-825-9697.