Keryflex Nail Restoration
In every podiatry practice, there is a subset of patients who experience an inherently embarrassing issue that warrants intervention. It’s time to solve these problems!
What is KeryFlex and how can it help you?
The Keryflex Nail Restoration System is an in-office, pain-free nail application treatment that helps restore the natural nail of the patient. It’s time to stop feeling embarrassed and start feeling comfortable! KeryFlex will give you the confidence to bare all ten toes!

Benefits of KeryFlex Nail Restoration
- KeryFlex is an immediate cosmetic solution for dystrophic nail disorders
- Care options for patients with nail disorders (onychomycosis, diabetes, infections, ingrown nails, psoriasis, onychogryphosis, beau’s lines, koilonychia, and chronic polyarthritis)
- Does not bond with skin or irritate skin – KeryFlex sticks to the callous cells of the nail or the papillary roots
- Application is durable, flexible, and moves with the foot and toes
- In-office application allows for certified providers to apply, care for, and maintain the nail restoration
- Cheaper than current oral antifungal therapy
What’s Next?
Call Kentlands Foot & Ankle today at 330-5666 to schedule a consultation to discuss your treatment options!